Wondering About Learning Disability Evaluations?

Are you concerned about your child’s reading comprehension or math abilities which could indicate a learning disability?

Has a teacher, relative, or therapist suggested you or your child might need learning disability evaluations?

Are you an adult who needs work or college accommodations due to undocumented learning disabilities?

Learning Disabilities affect learning and academic skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics. Some of these learning disabilities include dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia. These aren’t always discovered during childhood and many adults are surprised to be diagnosed later in life. If you suspect you or your child may have a learning disability, you may be interested in an evaluation to learn whether the diagnosis fits or not.

What is a Learning Disability Evaluation?

You can learn more about Learning Disabilities at the Learning Disabilities Association of America. Our psychologists have received highly specialized training to carefully evaluate a person’s abilities and determine whether they meet the criteria for a learning disability. We offer comprehensive evaluations for children (ages 5 years and up), adolescents, and adults.

Our Learning Disability Evaluations include:

  • Parent and/or client interview to discuss concerns, review developmental history, and suggest next steps
  • Review of school, medical, therapy, and any previous testing records
  • Evaluation of developmental, cognitive, adaptive, and behavioral functioning through formal testing, rating scales, and interviews with caregivers and teachers
  • Direct observation of child’s play, language, and social interactions
  • Cognitive/intellectual testing as needed
  • Assessment of additional emotional or behavioral concerns as needed

What’s next?

After the testing process is complete, we will have a feedback session to discuss the results. You’ll receive a comprehensive written report of results, a diagnosis if applicable, and recommendations. We’ll review and explain the information to you and provide recommendations for your next steps. If you choose to share the information in the report with your school or other healthcare providers, it may help you access helpful resources such as educational accommodations, government-funded resources, and/ or other medical or therapeutic services.

Reach Out Today

For more information, or to schedule an appointment with one of our psychologists, please click here to contact us or call/text (281) 993-8040.

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